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Afternoon Stretch
Stretch, Breathe & Relax
Stretch your way into the second half of your day. Pause to take a moment to reflect, breathe, ease and lengthen the areas that in all of us will tighten with daily postures and activities.
Up Next in Stretch, Breathe & Relax
Neck Stretches
Systematically work through stretches of the main muscles that get tight in the neck- traps, lev scap and scalenes. Use to ease tension and break sedentary sitting and standing
Stretch and Ease - Lower Body
A stretch focused flow for the lower body. Utilising both static and dynamic stretches.
Slow Morning Flow Extended
Ease into your day, nurture your body's transition from sleep to wakefulness. Gentle movement, breath, mindfulness to whole body stretches and fascial ease and length. Can be done from the comfort of your bed.