
  • Glutes Hamstrings Core

    Work these 3 muscle groups together for functional integration and balance out our dominant quads and hip flexors. Beneficial for walking/running AND those that sit a lot.

  • Glutes Hamstrings Core - Standing

    Work these 3 muscle groups together for functional integration and balance out our dominant quads and hip flexors.

  • Glutes Hamstrings Core - Lying

    Work these 3 muscle groups together for functional integration and balance out our dominant quads and hip flexors.

  • Sarah's Top 3

    Sarah's top 3 exercises that will benefit most.

  • No Props, No Probs

    Do this flow anywhere, no props required. Whole body integrated movement from head to toe.

  • Wall Pilates

    Learn to love the wall for the support, guidance and resistance it offers in some familiar Pilates movements. Focusing on hip and spine mobility and strength with a glut/hamstring finisher to wake up your gluteal smile.

  • Walking Flow

    A Pilates flow designed to impact walking positively. Build joint mobility and leg strength integrated into trunk control and movement. Train for those walking goals you have whether it is 2km or a long hike.

  • Oblique Quickie

    Quick but effective oblique abs and side waist to add to integrated ab strength and control and get that trunk rotating.

  • Standing Pilates 3

    Add light weights to standing Pilates for increased form, function, strength, weightbearing and shoulder girdle challenges.

  • Standing Pilates 2

    Who said Pilates cannot be done in standing? Take your form and function on the mat for addition strength, balance, weight bearing and functional training. Do it where ever, whenever.

  • Standing Pilates 1

    Bring your Pilates movement up to standing to incorporate weight bearing exercise, build leg and core strength, balance control, falls preventions and functional movement. Do it anywhere, anytime.

  • Love Your Psoas Stretch & Activate

    Psoas is a very influential muscle in your body. Learn more about its anatomy and function and how to stretch, lengthen and activate.

  • Stretch, Strength, Stabilise - Lower Body

    A flow between strengthening and stretching the lower body, with some sneaky stability challenges throughout.

  • Banded Bridge Burn

    Progressing through varying lower body alignments in bridging, the loop band allows for a progressive burn

  • Standing Lunges

    A series of hip hinge movements in standing, and into lunges to effectively activate hamstrings and gluts, whilst targeting standing alignment

  • Light Loop Love

    Using the light loop throughout this sequence for endurance and integration of all 3 glute muscles with core, leg and obliques

  • Plank Progressions

    Progressing from 4 point, to half plank into a full plank for a fast, yet effective, plank flow. Challenging shoulder strength, trunk stability and alignment.

  • Slide Into Stretch & Strength - Whole Body

    Use the sliders to open up movement and stretch. Then use pseudo closed chain principle to increase scaffolding muscle activity and integrate to muscle strength of the abdominals, spine, shoulder and pelvic girdle to the arms and legs. Move from child pose, to 4 point, to lying, bridging, sittin...

  • Obliques overball

    An abdominal and oblique focussed flow, easing into thoracic flexion, extension and rotation while utilising the ball to further the range of motion and add challenge.

  • Slide Into Stretch & Strength - Lower Body

    Use the sliders to open up movement and stretch moving from lying to sitting to bridging. Then use pseudo closed chain principle to increase scaffolding muscle activity and integrate to muscle strength of the abdominals, spine, pelvic girdle and legs.

  • Slide Into Stretch & Strength - Upper Body

    Use the sliders to open up movement and stretch in child pose and 4 point kneeling. Then use pseudo closed chain principle to increase scaffolding muscle activity and integrate to muscle strength of the abdominals, spine, shoulder girdle and arms.

  • Glute Stepdown Flow

    A flow that gradually steps down - to target glutes from each angle. A quick sequence to allow focus to be drawn to length of the body as well as stability of the trunk, all while achieving a little burn and activation of the glutes.

  • Classic Sarah Power

    Power movement requires mobility so lets explore where we can open up movement in our body and then add strength challenges. Integrated full body movement with grace is the ultimate goal

  • Classic Sarah Flow

    Flow from one movement to the next, each movement connected and facilitating the next, each movement connected to breath.